Wednesday 23 June 2010

An Office Rat's Lunch

It's very depressing sitting inside in an office all day when the sun is shining. The lovely time is on the lunch when you can go out and enjoy, fight with the rest of the office "peps" for a seat in the sun somewhere. Sweaty in your suit you're trying to soak up as much sun as you can, at least me. It's me and the sun.
It's interesting and fun so sit and watch everyone when they are eating, how they look, who they talk to and what they have in their little lunch boxes. This is typical lunch for most us office rats:
- Pizza
- Fish&Chips
- Subway
- Crisps & Sandwich
- Fatty pasta sallads

 - Tesco lunch meal
 - Sallad
 - Sushi
 - Food brought in own lunch box

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