Saturday, 22 May 2010


Aj ajajajajaj....I have finally started to use sun creme since I burned myself soooo badly this time of the year 2 years ago! It was a nightmare I don't want to repeat. So now I am using it, but I did not use enough EVERYWHERE! Johanna, this is horrible and just under my chin I am completely red, it looks like someone tried to strangle me! If you see my parts of my back you will cry and my bum....gosh. To shower get dress, ajajaj.
Im winding down with a cider now. Waiting for Des to come home and later Vanessa is coming over. We're having a drink and going out tonight. We'll see where to. I am happy.

1 comment:

  1. Bra Johe! Du lär dig! :)
    När ses vi i sommar mån tro?
