Thursday, 29 April 2010


The last days when I have been organising at home and kept secret was because I went home and suprised my family! Do you think thy got surprise? A lot, I went up to see my grandparents first, they thought it was my sister(as me more likely look like twins) but after a couple of seconds they realised it was me and they couldn't belive their eyes "dropped the chin" is an expression we use. We tricked my dad and my sister said she had needed to talk and went to his office. I was hiding aund the corner and she drage him ouside and woala SURPRISEEEE!!! It made my dad's day. It's lovely to be at home, sleep in your childhood bed (I have to say it's extremley comfy) Get taken care of by your family. Visiting all places again. Im very happy!
Today is the surprise of my mum then I have a lot that needs to be organised here at home. Tonight we're going for a barbequ at my sisters house and I can't wait. In the meantime I'll have to clean the house, do shopping, prepare for tomorrow's visit, decorate with flowers (visitors from far is coming to see the house tomorrow - we are crossing to our fingers hard hard, this is looking good) I also need to make a cake or so.
My update won't probalby be as good while I am here because I just want to enjoy and relax without thinking a lot. Then my dad's computer is slooow so it doesn't help. I'll definitley use my sister's camera a bit so I can upload some photos for you to see.
Oh by the way tomorrow me and my dad are going to do something absolutely amazing. I have to pop in tomorrow to at least kep you updated about that.
Love Me-

1 comment:

  1. Heyy darling, you write so nice :) I just found out you have a blog, so I haven't read it all, but just you know, I am following you, love your stories already! take care, xxx mieke
