Sunday, 30 October 2011

S u n d a y

Before I use to hate Sundays, but I've learnt to love them instead!
Im back home again. It was a good night y-day. Have to say I prefered the pre-party though than the club. 
Unfortunately I didn't even snap a single photo y-day, how bad is that.
A hugh breakfast and a few sweets was just what I needed now.
Let's see what will happen this Sunday, it's a perfect - grey - rainy - Sunday just to stay inside. Im planning to maybe bake a few buns or homemade bread.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

I put my head against the speaker, singing blow my mind.

Nu är jag redo att åka. Ikväll blir det uteliv och fest i Varberg. Det ska bli jätte roligt.
Vi hörs imorgon.
Love Jo

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

¨¨Planet happy¨¨ does exist, its just all about your mind!

A tired little me headed to the gym this morning, arrived home a little while ago. Gorgeous breakfast afterwards.
Now, Im just tidying up at home, getting myself and my things together. Sister will soon be here and we are planning to spend a day away from home. Lovely.
It just feels like a glorious day and I just got some good news, a step forward in right direction for somone close to me, that made me really glad and it filled me with joy and happiness for the day!
Have a wonderful afternoon and be happy!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Dad made me listen to this song, in some kind of rythm to the music he was doing the peace - sign - dance like always.... Im not sure what to associate him with to be honest, but he is such a funny man. For sure I know that music brings a lot of emotions and I do like this tune, La Paloma.


Had a great day and got a lot sorted out... well maybe not physically...or a bit... but mostly mentally.
Ended the evening with a refreshing walk together with Matilda. Great with som fresh air, it's really awesome out there now during the evenings. Im feeling good. 

Can't be hiding there, underneath the stairs, its time to challange the steps and start climbing up!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Every living thing on this earth has a heart

Ive thrown myself in bed. Im not moving. Im absolutely nackerd. I should not complain because Im doing what I want and Im glad Im working with what Im certified to do, but after 20 massages during 2 days!! Beat that ha. You are allowed to be tired and exhausted. My back is not happy with me. It would be nice with a bit more variation and mix amongst the treatments, but you got to do what the guest has paid for isn't it?! The full body armoatherapy massage is the most popular one. Im sure I'll have a day with more variation and different treatment soon and I just can't wait for the skincare training at the spa. For now Im just there as a Body spa therapist. The skincare and facial part is what I love doing the most. 
I shall now go to bed properly,
Sleep tight!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Having a laugh

Hoho, Its been work for me all day long. I've no good update for today really. As soon im occupying my mind with things its fine, but when Im alone at night I start thinking to much. Why do I never learn. It just ruins me sometimes because my thoughts are taking over. I need a good laugh now so I watch few funny clip on youtube.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Let's dance

Had a relaxing afternoon, with my sandwiches for lunch, book reading and a powernap on the sofa. Im now ready to take a ride to the gym for tonights work out.
Dansfuego it is.


Today it's Friday! Im only at work until lunchtime, then I'll enjoy my afternoon.
Tonight im attending the dance class again, yay.
Happy Friday folks!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Craving sushi, big time!

I could do anything for some sushi right now, actually Ive felt like this the past week or so.
There are no good sushi places here. Its a shame, but I guess in a small town like this it's not affordable. I really need to eat it very soon, can someone recommend me a good sushi place??
 Or shall I try doing it at home, Ive heard it's quite popular but to me it seems so difficult!

Brow Boost

Appropå att jag berättade om utbildningen vi hade om Billion Dollor Brows, så nämnde jag inte att de även har ett serum, Brow Boost som är framtaget för att få brynen att växa mer. Jag tror de flesta har hört om Neulash, det här är lite samma koncept, men ett annat märke och borsten är utformad för brynen. Däremot kan man även ha det på fransarna och priset är endast 310kr! Hör och häpna, det är ett jättebra pris. Du kan köpa serumet på Asia Spa, Varbergsstadshotell. Kom o skynda, den första ordern är redan slut så jag hann inte köpa själv men det kommer in fler snart.

I told you about the Billion Dollor Brows a day ago or so, but forgot to tell you about their extract for better growth on your brows. It's similar to the brand Neulash. You apply it to the brows at night time everyday for about a month. After this you should see a difference, more hairgrowth. It's worth trying and the price is a bargain compare to the other brands out there selling the same kind of thing. You can also use it on your lashes, though the brush is specially made for the brows.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Wish upon a little star

It is 8:36 AM, make a wish for the day.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I've now calmed down, this is the real me & I feel comfortable again! Let me take my good book and disappear into the world of fiction for a minute. Night Night...

Keeping your chest warm

My favourite is the top black one with 2 leather imitation details to button the vest.

Oh what a day

At work all day long. We had information about the new billon dollar brows method. Very interesting, though it needs some more practise from my side, but Im sure I'll be fine. 
Just arrived home and I feel a bit excited and exalted, having headace and im feeling like "speedy-johanna". I really don't like when I get like this and I try to control it and learn how to control it but sometimes I fail.
Huh, what to do?


 my stomach has suffered today from all crappy food I've fed it with =(. Not feeling good!
I need a new day.


Morning lovelies!
Tribal inspiration. Me likey likey.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Great start

The sun is just about to reach the balcony and has hitten my left side of the face. I've had a hugh breakfast and Im so stuffed. I listen to this wonderful music and start the day with pleasure. I woke up, smiling, telling myself: "This will be a good day and Im a perfect just as I am" 
 Do it you too!
I''ll be on the train in a little bit, Im working today!
Love Jo

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Places I want to visit

Travel is one thing I love doing, I think everyone does. However I haven't  been to so many places yet but I know I will.
Here are a few places, quite high on my list of where I want to travel in a near future. Im positive.

Marocco - I adore the culture, food, massive markets & the music.
Greece - I imagine myself being in the film Mamma Mia, white houses, blue doors & pink roses.
India - How about exploring the Indian culture. Take part of their amazing fabric & textile culture & have a proper curry meal.
Africa - I've been there once, but now I want to see & discover the real Africa. The country has always had a special place in my heart. I don't know how and why but I think in my previous life I was one of their people, played a major role there or had a hugh part of my life there.
USA - The states, have to, at least once in your life, see what this hugh country is about.

Do you understand what a great oppurtunity we have those days being able to see the whole world, what ever you want.

Spirulina Mask

The class at the gym was great, im feeling very energetic.
Had a test from Kerstin Florian spiruilina mask left at home so I decided it was time for me to use it.
I smell all chocolaty and you can even eat this mask, it is very nutritious. It's made of pure blue-green spirulina algae.

Now: home made smoothie

After the sunrise

Friday, 14 October 2011

A weekend ahead

Nice knowing that a weekend is laying a head of me, a head all of us.
Friday evening with dark chocolate and my head resting softly on the pillow in the sofa is a perfect start, a soft start.
All in all I've had a good day. I've been a bit here and there, everywhere. 
Tomorrow my alarm's going off in the early morning. Im planning to start my Saturday with a class at the gym.

You are your own masterpiece in life

Before I went to bed last night I started to watch The Secret. I have never seen the full video only a few parts here and there and Ive heard a lot about it and researched a bit since i discovered it. I have been aware about it, that's the way I should put it. So I thought it was time for me to see the dvd in full.
I love it, nothing more to say and I believe in every word they say.
Have you seen it?

Thursday, 13 October 2011

I just wrote a longer post, but deleted it in the end.It must have been a sign. Hmm...
I just hope you've had a great Thursday and will have a great end to this evening.
I'll see you tomorrow instead.
Love Jo

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

My body is bloody shaking.

I know Im not very strong and I often avoid exercise like building muscles because I just dont have the motivation and when It hurts and I feel the pain I stop. I use to go fro more cardio. However my PT session with Lina at Personal Trainers made me realise I wanna be fit and I need to be fit! I wanna build muscles, just enough to get the proper shape, not too much, just getting more fit. Gosh she was fit and It made me feel like a very tall, weak, swinging banana. It was a great session though and I think I'll feel it tomorrow. I admire those people having this motivation they have to train and look after their body soooo well, I don't really understand it, but I hope I will, very soon.
Thumbs up!

"It was important to me that I gave myself time to focus on becoming the woman I want to be, building my empire, my relationship, & my self-worth, before I became a mother" - Beyonce

I admire her and the statement she done is just so great, it says everything! Something that every woman should keep in mind through life, even though you're a mother or not, or a mother to be.

Build up your empire and career to your satisfaction, what ever is important for you
Focus on a good relationship
Have strong selfworth
Focus on becoming the woman you want to be

Keep warm

On every thorn a wisdom grows

I slept like a baby tonight and I feel refreshed, full of energy and ready for a new day!
After lunch im meeting up with a friend I haven't spent time with for a very long time. We use to hang out in school and that was about 5-6years ago. It will be very nice meeting her again and spend some time together!
I also have my PT session to attend this afternoon, let's see where it takes me and I'll tell you more later.
Love Jo

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Smoothie on the go

Just made myself a smoothie. It tastes delicious and I love homemade smoothies. I could have one everyday.
Im off to babysit a few hours tonight so I better run if I'll be there on time.
Have a lovely evening.
Love Jo

PT session!

Today I got a call from a PT. I've won a free PT session with all that comes with it + consultation. Yeayy Im glad and very surprised!
I subscribed a competition a few weeks ago and almost forgot about it and now they called me. I've never tried this kind of things before so it will be very intresting.
Im ready for tomorrow session!

Black & Violet

Monday, 10 October 2011

Wherever your heart will go, follow it!

You just have to go with the flow

I've organised all my summer shoes, wrapped them up and stored them downstairs in the basement. Instead I've replaced my shelves with all my lovely boots to wear this autumn and winter. I think I have a good range of different kind of boots and have realised that Im not in need of any other. Im satisfied.
Bring it on!
Now it's time for my creative side to take place. I thought of doing a door decoration. Just in time for all saints day and halloween in the end of the month. Im heading out to some shops, in hunt for some decoration.

On my wishlist

This jacket is from Malene Birger. Im not a fashionista from top to toe or have never cared about brands and designers. However when I found this jacket I fell in love. The only problem is that I can't afford it moneywise, im not even sure Id like spending that amount of money just on a coat! But I can always have it on my wishlist.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Laima Beauty Boutique

My dear friend Elena is a focused and strong business woman, very determined and she definitely knows what she wants. I admire her always being so focused and having this "to-do-attitude". Ater many months and year of planning and building up what she wants she's now 
recently opened a beauty salon in east London where she offers a variety of treatments.
I really hope I can go and visit her soon and I think you should do aswell if you live in London! 
They are great in doing nails and their decoration is top class.
Worth visiting! You'll find more information at Laima Beauty Boutique

Hi Sweeties

 Its cold outside! Ive realised a new thicker jacket would be a good investment right now. However I will have to cope with a thicker cardigan and scarfs for a bit, its not really November yet.
Im doing half day at the spa today.
I will be back in the afternoon.
Love Jo

Friday, 7 October 2011

Friday feelings!

There's something special with Fridays! It's always been. You can feel it, its in the atmosphere. You can touch it. The excitment for the weekend, wether you are working or not, have plenty of plans or are just planning a weekend with yourself  there's something special over Fridays! It means quality time, for me. I've had Friday feelings since I was little and my family always made sure we knew it was the beginning of the weekend. You know the little extra for the kids. Maybe those feelings stay with me since then. Its important creating small traditions and stick to them.
Have you ever had those feelings?

Thursday, 6 October 2011

My Evening

"Spa kvällen" hos syster gick fantastiskt bra. Jag tror och hoppas att de blev nöjda.
De bjöds på god vanilj och frukt smoothie samt lite snacks medans tjejerna avlöste varandra i min lilla hörna. Det var väldigt roligt. Lyckad kväll.

Great evening at sisters' house. She had organised a spa evening with me doing eyelash & eyebrow tinting. Everyone was nibbling on snacks, had fruit smoothies and chatted away whilst I was taking care of them one by one. It was a success and I hope and think they were very pleased with the result. It makes such a difference with some colour to your brows and eyes.
Shame I forgot my camera at home.

One of those sugar cravings!

Dang, im constantly hungry and want to nibble on something. Preferably sugar. Im on it within minutes over and over again. Thought I had a proper lunch to get me through the afternoon, but I was wrong. Wrong wrong W R O N G.
I have no "healthy" snacks to fill me up at home. Can't stop my blood sugar level from being high, can't control it. I just trigger it. Oh my...

Y O U!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Spa morning

Did my mini spa this morning. A little extra boost for your skin as I say. You feel very refreshed afterwards. Im still hunting for other skin care products. Im getting there, but it's a jungle out there.

I will continue pottering around at home, making myself a gorgeous lunch and make an applepie, this afternoon I will be working.
Tomorrow it's more of spa, health and skincare when Im "hired" as terapeut at my sister spa night with friends. It will be so much fun.
Have a glorious morning!

Wednesday morning cravings

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

At last

Im home again after a class at the gym. Feeling it in my knees. I do need a new pair of trainers, soon as possible. It's not worth hurting or injuring your body whilst working out because of wrong shoes. So make sure you always have a good support of clothes, specially shoes, to prevent any damages to your body.
I shall hit the google button now to research a few skin care products whilst glancing on the tv. I might as well have a scoop of vanilla ice cream, yum.

"Cinnamonbun day"

Ive been in Gothenburg all day for a job thing.
I've just thrown myslef in the sofa and shall be having a nap before I have any energy to do anything.
Today it's cinnamonbun day, all Swedes know what that means. Celebration to the bun filled with cinnamon and butter, it also means that you should eat as many as you possibly can afford. Me however I haven't had a single one. I might bake some for tomorrow instead.

Monday, 3 October 2011

We turned back time, shared a moment just as we did when we're 10.

Me & sis asked for lunch at grandmas' today! Just to get the same feeling as when we were little.
Sitting in the kitchen, eating with the same plates, glasses and cutlery. Noone can ever compete with grandmas' cooking. I think we all say that about our grannys.
The atmosphere and the smell of the cooking took me straight away back to the early 90s.
As the little girl I was with my blond hair, fringe and feet nearly reaching the floor.


Love reading books at the moment, I've already ended a few and today Im making sure I'll fill my room with a few more.
I always make sure that I like the cover before I even start reading the story behind the book.


Saturday, 1 October 2011


Did you have a good day?
I had a good day, it was long though, intensive and a lot of work. Had a mix of different treatments today, those are the best day! Variety.
Im totally nackered now and Im happy I have no plans for tomorrow. It means I'll start my Sunday just how I want to.

Foggy day

Gosh, I can't even see out from the window because of all the fog. I shall be driving to work in a minute. I hope it will be a very safe trip. Spending all my day at work today and I will be back tonight.
Have a great Saturday, whatever you are up to!