Friday, 30 September 2011
A quick post
Oh dear, the Swedish version of Ebay site (tradera) is burning this morning with all new auctions I've uploaded and there're more to come later on this afternoon. Yeay.
Im just about to head out for a few things I have planned and need to sort out in the afternoon.
Tonight it's time for my dance class again.
See you sometime in between now and then!
Have a lovely afternoon.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Pixie Lott
Just in time for me to make an appointment at the hairdresser very soon, I found this.
This little songbird has got a really nice and feminine haircut, which gives me goose bumps.

daily mail
The last few hours at mine
Drinkig water...
Annoyed over my throat still hurting
Listen to Spotify
Made a delicious broccoli soup
Ended my tradera auction - sold, yes!
Sorting out a lot of papers and administrative work, not the funniest but needed.
A litte nap later on and my very good book.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
On my feet all day
Ive been around and about for most of the day.
Went to the spa early in the morning to show a hand-foot-face massage. Now it's all done. Just ready to work work work. Headed home in the car, I don't like highways by the way. Never done. Maybe because im a silly slowdriver and scared most of the time.
At home I met up with sister, we popped by grandma's to spend some time.
Up on the bikes again and home to her place. Whilst being there chilling baking I fell asleep like a baby on the sofa, before we went to the gym. Probably needed. Gymclass felt great.
I think the endorphins are slowly releasing within my body!
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Music to cheer me up
When Im home alone, just want to listen to good music and cheer myself up, I often listen to reggaeton or latin music in general. It brings a broad smile to my lips, makes me happy and make me wanna dance!
3 small important things in life to keep me going.
A bright smile, being happy and dancing...
Everyone should realise how wonderful it is dancing, even though you have the feeling and rythm for it or not. Just follow the flow, the music and set yourself free without thinking. Its a lovely feeling.
So stop being shy saying you can't dance without a few drinks before and without a drink in your hand. Just do it and don't care about anything else than the instruments.
Try closing your eyes and disappear. That might aswell help you ignoring the people in the corner staring at you thinking he/she CAN dance and DARE dance. Beacuse that is what people think and nothing else.
So listen to the tune below, press that play button and get up on the floor.
Try, move and free yourself!
Try, move and free yourself!
Waiting for my sister, we are heading in to the centre.
Let's see what this day has in plan for us!
Monday, 26 September 2011
Monday Morning
Trögstartad morgon både mentalt och fysiskt.
I dag har jag inget för mig. Ska slö titta på efter tio om några minuter, det är en mysig start på morgonen.
Sen ska jag ut och plocka äpplen, baka äppelpaj och känna lugnet. Jag älskar hösten och vill inte att den ska försvinna! Stanna för alltid.
I kväll ska jag få dansa igen. Härlig träning, jag längtar så.
Vi ses lite senare när tankeverksamheten satt i gång.
Slow morning, both menthally and physically.
I have nothing planned today. Shall be chilling in the sofa for a while and then go out picking some apples in preparation for making an applepie. I love autumn and I want it to stay forever.
Tonight im going to my danceclass again, I can't wait. Loving it.
I shall see you a bit later.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
What a beautiful day
Har redan varit hos faster och gjort lite behandlingar.
Varvar ner med lunch bestående stekt fisk och potatis. Är det inte väldigt svenskt?
Eftermiddagen spenderar jag på Asia spa.
Trevlig söndag.
Im already back from my aunties house, did a few treatments on her.
Time to relax a bit and have lunch before I head to my shift at the spa in the afternoon.
Have a happy Sunday
Saturday, 24 September 2011
This autumn is only dedicated to myself. That's something I've decided.
I will only focus on myself, what I want and first off all what I need.
Im not in the best period of my life for different reasons but I know this is a part in my life I have to go through and I have to accept it for what it is at the moment. Just accept it make something good out of it. Its not always easy but when you know that life is laying a head of you for some reason I just do. You can call it strenght.
I know I've met people in life who taught me what strenght is. Now im using it.
Shake shake shake
Jag skakar om huvudet, inser att det är lördag idag. Vilken fin dag.
Fram med alla fina och positiva tankar inför den här dagen.
Nu är den min.
I shake my head, trying to realise it is Saturday. What a beautiful day.
Im bringing all positive thoughts to my mind.
This day is mine.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Im growing
I've learned something today, something I probably already knew but never really used to do. So those things will be a few of my new tools in growing as a person.
- Set boundaries to someone or something when you feel that you start to be very angry, upset or annoyed. At this time it's surely time to set boundaries as something is bothering you that you normally don't accept. Be aware of the consequenses after your decision and be consistent.
- You are the most important person in your life. Always prioroties yourself and your health first in everything you do.
Worth thinking at...
Thursday, 22 September 2011
It's the 4th time today im trying to make an effort for a blog post. On my history page it is echoing saved drafts; untitled blogpost-untitled blogpost-untitled blogpost. I try finding words and inspiration but there's none. This day started good but ended with me feeling very empty.
I shall spare some time for myself and a good book tonight. That might give me something, a little light.
I'll leave it there for now.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
New skin care products
Exciting as it is being a beuaty therapist, it's just as exciting having product knowledge and knowing ingredients. Im just after a new series of skin care products and Im all excited about trying a few out and researching for the perfect ones for me and my skin. There are plenty of different brands out there and it is very important that you understand the effects of the products you are about to buy, the vision of the brand and the ingredients! It's an adventure. I will for sure update you later when I've decided what to go for and why.
Make you sweat, make you sweat
Making me sweat!
Headed towards the gym today, got myself a new gym card for the classes there. It feels great. Im looking forward to an autumn full of energy and loads of endorphines again. I know I need it for many reasons.
Ive already booked up several good classes this and next week.
Im really motivated!
Now it's time for me to wind down after tonight's exercise. Watch my favourite soap and have my fruit or yoghurt snacks.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Something I wished I was better at...
original photo from
... is actually drawing, illustrations.
I think I have a character and an eye for small things. I enjoy working with details, perfection, to create, scrapbooking, make up and those sort of creative things. Normally I should have (or hope I have) a little touch of aesthetic within me, even though it needs to be worked on. But when it comes to drawing, Im a disaster and Im blocking my mind, my hand is just not with me. Normally I just come up with random figures in my head like a house, a palm or santa claus. Santa claus is by the way always popping up in my mind, why?
Just being able to take a pencil and a paper and start creating something you afterwards can discern what it is without being a mess, sounds fantastic to me. Looking at your creation knowing it's your handcraft must be such an amazing feeling.
Or, are my selfconsious ego not realising that all creations and illustrations in fact are illustrations, no matter what you create?
Another generation
I adore looking at oldfashion photos, the black and white,
the ladies perfect layed hair & the mens' charm.
The photos are expressing a sensation and a vibe, they deliver something more.
Do you agree?
Before the sunrise
Birds singing, the sun is on the way up. My eyes are playing funny with me and I'd rather stay in bed a little longer, just a little.
Asia spa is on the schedule today, last training day.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Batteling with yourself and your thoughts are sometimes not easy, specially if you are not in balance with yourself and your life. When you have difficulties finding the right way out and the positive thoughts it can be tricky.
Nervous, stress and anxiousity.
If I stay too long with my own thoughts, I honestly go crazy. Therefore I always try to occupy my mind, as when Im left with my own thougths too long...I can say...I go nuts. That's when my sister jump in and say; Hey wo wo wo, it's time for you to calm down, focus and believe you are strong enough.
She taught me about learning a Mantra. Im sure most people have heard about it but never uses it. A short word, syllable or sound, something you feel you can connect or relate to. Sit down on a floor, legs crossed and arms resting on your legs. Close your eyes and only focus on your mind saying the mantra over and over again. It will leave you with concentration and for the moment everything around you in life is set aside to be handle and picked up when you strong enough and focused after your mantra session.
It's relaxing, try it.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
My Sunday Evening
Hemma efter en eftermiddags arbete på spat.
Just nu sitter jag mest och latar mig i soffan. Äter russing och fil med honung, det är ett toppen snacks för mig när jag är sugen på något sött.
Imorgon är det dags för en ny vecka.
Förresten hörde jag en superbra låt i bieln på väg hem från jobbet, ska se om jag hittar den på youtube.
Trevlig kväll.
Im home again after an afternoons work at the spa.
Just laying in the sofa at the moment. Tired. Eating yoghurt with raisins and honey. That'ss a perfect sweet snacks for me.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new week.
By the way, I heard a really great song in the car home, I'll see if I can find it and I just have to share it with you.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Hopefully in October
I have a great passion for the world, music and other cultures. In October this amazing gospel choir is coming to Sweden and I hope I can attend their concert. For sure that'll be a magic evening.
Hey Soweto Gospel Choir
With oil in my hair
God Morgon,
Jag sitter med ricinolja i håret. Vem har inte hört om detta och läst på bloggar, bla Gynnings, att håret blir längre av ricinolja? Då får jag väl också vara en sån där blogg och tips fantast och prova det som andra gör. Det kliar lite smått. Jag tror inte det blir mkt förändring men jag gör det för att det är kul att testa. Men skulle det bli längre!!! Halleluja...
Sitting in my bed with caster-oil in my hair. A new trend, saying that your hair will grow longer if you use it. Probably im one of those blog neards who believe and want to try what im reading. It's great though if it will give result.
Friday, 16 September 2011
My, for the moment, power earrings. A gift sent to me from Penny.
Penny har skickat dessa finisar till mig.
Det finns mycket styrka och positivitet till livet bakom dem. Därför är det mina power earrings just nu.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Friday, 9 September 2011
Brudparet - Bride & Groom
Här kommer en liten bild på brudparet förra helgen. De anlände i en grävskopa från kyrkan.
Mer bilder följer...
Here's a photo of the Bride and Groom from last weekend. They arrived in an excavator from the church.
More photos will follow...
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Åker till Malmö
Det blev ett spontant beslut i eftermiddags. Någon satt i en del av Sverige och inte hade några planer i helgen, jag likaså. Då slog vi två kloka huvud ihop och bestämde oss för att ses. Jag ska åka ner till Kristina i Malmö i helgen samt träffa Elin. Det blir en supermysig helg och roligt att komma dit. Jag har faktiskt aldrig varit varken i Lund eller Malmö. Jag älskar att packa en liten väska och åka i väg ett par dagar. Fyllas med ny inspiration och energi. Jag ser jättemycket fram emot helgen.
A spontanious decision this afternoon. Tomorrow Im leaving for a weekend with two friends in southern Sweden. We haven't seen each other for a while so its a great time to catch up and decided to met up as no one had any other plans. I love going away for a few days, packing my little bag and just leave to discover a new place. I've never been where they're living so Im double excited, if I can express myself that way. I want to fill myself with inspiration and more energi. It's well needed for me, as always. Im really looking forward to the weekend.
Svampplockning - Mushroom hunting
När man bor såhär högt upp ser man fort hur naturen ändrar färg, till höstfärger.
Vissa träd har redan blivit gul-röda. Det är skönt väder ute och idag har jag humöret uppe.
Hela förmiddagen har jag varit hos mormor och morfar. Mormor fick en pedikyr och efteråt bjöd de mig på middag. Mina fina morföräldrar! På cyklen på väg hem såg jag någon som kröp runt mellan träden i skogen med en påse som var fylld med ngt gult. Svampplockning!
Jag blev så sugen själv, så jag tror jag ska gå ut i det sköna vädret och se om jag lyckas plocka mig några ätliga svampar.
When you live on the 7th floor as I do you quickly see how the trees change colour. It's time now. They are already yellow and red. Im glad today!
I spent early morning at my grandparents. I did a pedicure on my little grandma and she invited me for dinner afterwards. My sweet sweet grandparents. Whilst sitting on my bike on the way home I could see how somone was crawling in the forest between bushes and trees. Trying to find some mushrooms. I got so influenced I think I shall go out in this sunny lovely autumn weather and see if I can find a few eatable mushrooms.
Söta smycken
Jag hittade Georg Jensen kollektioner och fastnade för så himla mycket fint.
Varje smycke är unikt, varje sten...
Jag gillar jättemycket!
I found the jewllery colletions of Georg Jensen. There're so many beautiful things. Every ring, necklace or bracelet is unic. I like all collections a lot and here're a few pearls in my eyes.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
På Asia Spa finns en behandling som heter Shirodara.
Igår fick vi prova på just Shirodarabehandlingen. Hel massage på framsida kropp. Därefter hälls en uppvärmd sesamolja i ett kärl ovanför ditt huvud. Sesamolja är otroligt läkande för kroppen och har en väldigt positiv inverkan på dig och din kropp. Den varma olja hälls genom en stråle över din panna fram och tillbaka i cirka 10-15 minuter.
Det var nog en av de mest annorlunda behandlingen jag gjort hittills men den var också fantastisk. Du känner dig väldigt dåsig och lite yr efteråt så det är viktigt att vila.
Med dig hem får du all sesamolja som använts under behandlingen och det är en speciell känsla att sedan få den tappad på flaska för att fortsätta använda hemma.
At Asia Spa, where Im working, they have a treatment called Shirodara.
Yesterday I got to try this Shirodara treatment. You get a full bodymassage on the front of your body, afterwards the terapeut pour warm seasameoil, through a little kettle above your head. The oil has very positiv effects on your body and skin. The warm oil is pour over your forhead in slowly motions back and forths for about 10-15 min.
I think it was one of the more extrordinary treatment I've had so far and it was also fantastic. You can feel very dizzy afterwards and very tired because of the effects from the oil, so it is very important to rest a lot afterwards.
After the treatment you get a small gift, a bottle with all the oil used during the treatment. For you to keep using at home.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Lite bilder från Ven - A few photos from Ven
What happend?
Värk i kroppen, ont i halsen. Vill bara ligga ner och inte göra någonting.
Dricker te med honung som jag egentligen inte tycker om och inser att jag åkt på en infektion. Kan vara kalla vindar och för lite kläder under helgen. Humma. Bli frisk nu!
Pain in my body and sore throat. I just wanna lay down and do nothing. Sipping on a cup of tea with honey, I dont even like tea but I have to at the moment. Realising that I've probably caught a flu...again!Cold winds and too little clothes during the weekend I guess.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Home again
Vilken fantastisk bröllopshelg och att den tillbringades på Ven gjorde det ännu mer fantastiskt.
Jag ska ladda upp och behandla bilder så småningom.
Home again, tired!
What a magical wedding, many tears. The beautiful Island didn't make it any worse.
I'll be upploading photos shortly.
Friday, 2 September 2011
Godmorgon på er
Har sovit lite oroligt i natt. Vakna upp tung i huvudet. Sitter med tryckande känsla i huvudet igen, som igår kväll. Hoppas jag kan samla mig innan vi åker.
Packar fixar och donar inför helgen. Snart kommer syster och då ska vi in en sväng till stan.
vi åker redan i eftermiddag. Så vi ses igen på söndag.
Ha en fantastisk helg!
With love, Jo
I didn't had a perfect sleep this night and my head is really heavy. I hope I can get my mind together.
Im packing and organising the last things for the weekend. Will be leaving this afternoon. For you who might missed the info - im going on a 3 day wedding trip to a small island outside Sweden!
See you again on Sunday
Have a fantastic weekend.
With love always, Jo
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