Monday, 28 February 2011
'round the world
Is where i'll be... Meet people, see and exchange cultures.
Everywhere I never thought I'd go. Everywhere I want to go and to the places we call paradise...
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Har känt mig helt utslagen och trött i helgen. Förstår inte varför eller hur. Sovit i omgånger, till och från...galet.
Skippade träningen i eftermiddags och gick en promenad med pappa i friska luften istället. Kände att det var det jag behövde, luft, andas lite.
Nu har jag bakat en god sockerkaka, duschat och sitter på golvet i mitt rum. Tänker på nästa helg då jag kan gosa med min Desire igen. Bisous. Skönt att bara komma bort lite även om det blir så himla kort tid. London ligger lite före i väder väg med har ju cirka 12-14 grader plus, så det blir ju härligt att slippa tjocka vinterjacka för en dag eller två.
I've felt absolutley nackered this wkd and extremly tired. I've slept one hour, one hour there both yeserday and today.
I didn't go to the gym in the afternoon as I had planned, instead I went for a walk with my dad to get some fresh air. I felt that's what I needed.
I've just baked a cake, had a shower and Im now sitting on the floor in my room thinking of next wkd when I can cuddle my Desire again. It's nice just to get away for a moment even if it's for such a short time as 1-2 days only. It's better and warmer weather in London aswell so it will be nice getting rid of this thick and heavy winterjacket for a day or two.
Morgon stund har guld i mun....
Älskar att vakna upp och vara hungrig. Då är det så gott att sätta sig och äta en härlig stor frukost, söndagsfrukost.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Busy Week
I've been so busy with focusing on school and the practise this week so there's been no blogging. It's been an exhausting week and after the first full day in the salon I honestly thought it was the end of my time in the school. At least the thought hit me. It was so exhausting mentally and physically. But hey, im not giving up, never. After givning it a few more days I feel more confident in the salon and with the treatments. Thank god for all my previous experiences working in stressful, timekeeping and managing situations. Thank god I know what hard work is, im really glad that I have the experience i have. Like the principal of the school said to us yesterday. "Girls, if you find this hard, it's nothing to compare with the real world outside as a beauty therapist. One day you'll thank us for giving you this hard school."
I believe her and I know she's right, the competition is high. So I stay focused and strong.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
You can't smile enough when you see this photo of this lovely family.
You find the article at Daily Mail
First Day
Heading off to my first full day in the salon. Im all excited. Of course I couldn't sleep long this morning when I for once should have a sleep in. Im ready tooooo early. Start at 13:00, but have to catch the train a lot earlier anyway so I guess it makes no difference.
I have to shake this nervosity away, control myself...gaahhh!
Wish me luck!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Morgon Sol
Vaknade upp av att solen tog sig igenom rullgardinen. Sov dåligt i natt så jag var trött när jag vaknade. Det enda jag drömde om och har drömt om hela helgen är examen, behandlingar, stress, lyckokänslor, svett, vax, vaxklet, massage etc. Varför kommer det här nu? Ska det vara så här ända till augusti? Nej, nej nej....
Det är super kallt ute och känner att jag knappt vill gå ut! Lite halvt uttråkad alla redan, att jag inte kan styra över min hjärna och tankebanor bättre!
I woke up of the sun shining through the window this morning. I didn't sleep well last night. The only thnig i dreamt about and the only thing I've been dreaming about the entire weekend is my graduation, treatments, stress, happiness, sweat and tears, massage, wax etc. Why do I start to freak out over this now? Will this continue until August? No no noo....
It's freezing cold outside and I don't even feel for going out even if the weather is gorgeous. Im already a bit bored. Don't understand why I can't control my emotions and thoughts better.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Effektiv eftermiddag
Så himla skönt att jag fick lite gjort. Efter att ha kört fast på förmiddagen släppte jag det, åkte och handla lite och när jag kom tillbaka skruva jag upp musiken och lät tangenterna flöda. Skönt att komma närmare sitt mål...att bli klar!
Det blev ingen strandpromenad idag, men imorgon kanske. Solen har lyst hela dagen och det gör mig glad.
Nu ligger jag nerstoppad med filt i soffan och slö-tittar på tv. Ingen melodutt idag, jag är besviken på det. Avslappnande och lugn lördag. Lite små gott står på bordet, skålen börjar gapa tom.
Efficency this afternoon. Managed to study and continue writing on my final essay. It feels like a relif that Im getting closer to the end with it. Proud of myself.
No walk along the beach today, but maybe tomorrow. The sun's been out all day and it makes me so happy. Tonight im just chilling in the sofa, watching a bit of telly and just relaxing.
Efficency this afternoon. Managed to study and continue writing on my final essay. It feels like a relif that Im getting closer to the end with it. Proud of myself.
No walk along the beach today, but maybe tomorrow. The sun's been out all day and it makes me so happy. Tonight im just chilling in the sofa, watching a bit of telly and just relaxing.
Wanna dance?
Give me a place where I can dance until my feets are bleeding, until it's dripping sweat from my body, until I cry of happiness, until the end of the night, until I feel I've had enough...which is never.
Together with people with passion.
Kört fast, kört fast, kört fast....
Inte många ord som skrevs på mitt spec. arbete innan jag körde fast. fan.
Ger mig ut en sväng så kanske jag kommer igång lite senare.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Exhausting day
We've been deep-cleaning at school today. You can lick the floor and every corner and it will taste nice =). In the end I was so exhausted and my legs were in pain. Slept on the train home.
Tonight we just had dinner at home with sister. A weekend infront of me, containing studies, walks along the beach, rest and gym.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Lite mkt, "love dedication" den här veckan kanske, men jag är lite i en sakna period nu.
Veckan har varit bra, övat och laddat nu sista veckan innan praktiken. Jag förstår inte riktigt att det är min tur att gå upp till andra terminen, redan!! Galet. Det här blir toppen.
A bit too much "love dedication" this week maybe, but Im in a little sad period and I miss D a lot.
This week's been good. been practising and repeating loads of things to be prepared for the coming weeks. Practise in the salon starts for real next week. I can't believe im already going for the second term, its' crazy!!!
Our 4 years anniversary today. Many days and weeks since you chatted me up on that dance floor and many many more to come.
Bisous mon amour, tu me manques.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Innan lägg dags - b4 bedtime
Det enda jag lyssnar på de senaste dagarna är låten med Loreen som ligger några posts under. Helt fantastisk låt och jag får aldrig nog! Den går varm på repeat.
Idag lever nog de flesta i en liten kärleksbubbla, det är väl så härligt.
Jag har redan lagt mig, sov så extremt dåligt i natt så kände att jag nog behöver "catch up with some sleep" men nu är jag inte ett dugg trött. Klarade epileringsprovet idag, kändes så himla bra. Nu ska jag fokusera på lite repetitionsprov och det känns inte lika tungt.
Sov Sött
I have the song Sober ,a few posts below, on repeat all the time. It's a fantastic song and she's got a great voice.
Today I think everyone's living in a little bubble of love, isn't it wonderful.
Im already in bed, I didn't sleep very well last night so I thought i'd catch up with some more sleep but now I feel that im not tired at all.
I passed the exam I had today, in permanent hair removal (I don't know what the exact term is in english). Im happy. In the coming weeks I only have to focus on a few exams we've had before just to repeat as we have 2 exams in each course.
Sleep Tight
I have the song Sober ,a few posts below, on repeat all the time. It's a fantastic song and she's got a great voice.
Today I think everyone's living in a little bubble of love, isn't it wonderful.
Im already in bed, I didn't sleep very well last night so I thought i'd catch up with some more sleep but now I feel that im not tired at all.
I passed the exam I had today, in permanent hair removal (I don't know what the exact term is in english). Im happy. In the coming weeks I only have to focus on a few exams we've had before just to repeat as we have 2 exams in each course.
Sleep Tight
For you only
This is for you D, this is the feeling we had the first time we were seperated from each other, during a longer period. It was 3.5 years ago and just 6 monhts into our relationship. I did send you this song by email, you remember? And I did listen to the song everyday for weeks, day and night.
I Love You.
St Valentines Day
Vi firar inte denna dag tillsammans så jag och min prins har sagt söta saker till varandra på alla hjärtans dag över skype...Puss
We can't be together on this day so me and my prince shared a few sweet moments over skype...XX
Sunday, 13 February 2011
På morgon kvisten...
Jag har ätit frukost i sängen, lyssnat på fågelkvitter och nu försöker jag plugga lite. Ska iväg och äta lunch hos mamma lite senare och kanske åker jag och tränar på eftermiddagen, får se hur mycket jag får gjort nu på morgonen. Vilken härlig söndag. Igår åt jag så mycket godis att jag fick ont i magen. Då vet man att man lever och har det gott. Varför går helgen alltid så fort?
I've had breakfast in bed, listening to the birdsong outside the window and Im trying to study. Invited for lunch at mums place later and maybe I'll head off to the gym in the afternoon. It all depends on how much I study now in the morning. What a lovely Sunday. Yesterday night I had so much sweets so my belly was in pain. Then you know you living life.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Sunny Saturday
I've been in a quite bad and grumpy mood this morning, but I feel better now. Went for a bicycle ride in to town. Had a look in the shops, got hold of a pair of shoes I'd been looking for. Finally. Went to Stålboms to have a fika = have Swedish coffe with pastry, cake or whatever sweets there are. It's just a must. It's been sunny all day so far and it's gorgeous out there. I've been sitting at the balcony again, study and eating lunch. It's warm and my chest and face got all red!
Friday, 11 February 2011
Fredag kväll
Nu tar jag mig ut till min vän Kristina för lite mat och fredagsmys tillsammans...bortåt... Ja,gudomligt ställe där hon bor när hon är hemma.
Make Up Courses
Im currently browsing for some make up courses. After I have graduated from school this August I'll have a basic knowledge of make up. Colour analysis, shapes and forms, day make up, bridal make up etc. I do enjoy it a lot and was thinking of taking another course for further certification. I was just stunned over the prices in London. Well, after a second thought maybe Im not. It's just my bank account that can't cope with the amount or maybe I only forgot how expensive the lifestyle is there.
I'll continue my research....
Monday, 7 February 2011
Bikini Nojja
Härligt att den skulle komma nu, den har jag längtat efter.....varje år!
Jag är vacker som jag är
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Energi paus
Nu hade jag hade tänkt ta cyklen en tur och ta mig till gymmet. Ja, grupp jympa blir det på friskis. Jag trivs bättre med att träna i grupp, då blir jag mer motiverad. Det är så grått ute att man knappt ser 10m framför sig, men här kan jag inte sitta inne hela dagen med böckerna. Frisk luft behövs och lite rörelse. In med ny energi för veckan.
Oj, vad sugen jag blev på en smoothie med...det får jag kanske se till att svänga ihop när jag kommer hem igen.
Im ready to head of to the gym now. I've been inside all day and I feel really tired and lacking of energy. So let's fill myself with some fresh air and join one of those sweaty classes at the gym.
Kreativiteten flödar
Att vakna upp klockan 8, ta datan och sätta sig i sängen för att skriva på special arbetet är inspiration. Jag har mycket energi, kreativitet och inspiration idag så det här bådar gott. Ska nog få ett par rader skrivna eller någon sida innan jag ska gå upp och äta en brakfrukost. Sedan blir det mer aromakemi istället.
I woke up to early for being a Sunday, felt creativ and I had lots of inspiration to write my final essay. It's looking good, hopefully I can manage to write a page or so before I go out of bed to enjoy a delicious breakfast because after that it's time to prepare for the aromatherapy exam tomorrow.
Good Morning
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Without your breath
One of my favourite songs, the most beautiful song. It's a love song telling how I can't live without you...
One of my favourite songs, the most beautiful song. It's a love song telling how I can't live without you...
Friday, 4 February 2011
Jag kommer ingen vart med mitt special arbete, jag har panik och sitter som ett stolpskott vet varken ut eller in. Nu har jag bytat inriktning med men hur ska jag börja och hur lägger jag upp frågeställningen på bästa sätt? Nej, nu är jag inte alls glad...jätteledsen. Jag som ville få lite skrivet nu när vi hade en eftermiddag till det. Istället blev det inte alls som jag ville...
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Simple dessert
When I was little my mum taught me the most simple dessert ever. I think it was on of her type of old fashion desserts she got when she was little. It was normally suppose to be taken after a fish dinner. However, sometime I just eat it to what ever and I find it so tasty.
You need a glass of milk & a couple of spoons with lingoberry
Stir it together in a glass and it's ready to drink.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Practise in the salon
I dag hann jag bli super nervös, få hjärtat att slå slag över normal kapacitet, svetta ner hela min rock och känna mig allmänt rälig (på ren halländska). Har varit så lugn hela tiden inför det här och så idag när jag kom till skolan bara vände det sig i magen på mig och med min halvt förstörda rygg från igår gjorde det inte bättre. Efter allt så klara jag det, ja det var inte svårt på det sättet..bara att kasta sig ut och pröva sin lärdom gjorde mig lite nervös. vem är kunden, vresig? trevlig? va händer om jag gör honom/henne illa? om ngt gåt fel? om jag inte håller tiden, blir sen etc? STRESS Ja du vet, alla tankar for genom huvudet samtidigt som jag inombords var superglad. Det är ju det här man har längtat efter att få arbeta "på riktigt"!!! Det var så skönt när det var färdigt samtidigt som man klart fick mersmak. Nu har jag 6 månader praktik framför mig. Nu lägger jag gasen i botten och ger allt....yeah!
I got so nervous today, my heart was beating 200/min, I was sweating and felt sick. I've been so calm until this day, except today of course! I hurt my back at the gym yesterday and it didn't make it better! I started to worry over the customers and who they are. Friendly, grumpy, angry? What happens if I do wrong, if I hurt my customer, if I don't manage to finish on time etc? You know, basically I paniced for a while and stressed out.
However, it was the first day in the salon and I had a pedicure only (as we've just started gently with a few hours a day, full day practise will start late Feb). Except from this nervous break down ( as I assume is more than normal) l was very happy to finally start "working for real". Now, Im looking forward to 6 months practise in the salon with probably crazy customers, crazy days and crazy stories to tell. I hope you're still following me here? LET'S ROCK!
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